Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tools: Tourist Remover

Tourist Remover does something very cool: it takes your otherwise unusable vacation pictures and cleans them up so you have one perfectly memorable image.

Now all those photos you took at The British Museum - you know, the ones that had forty Japanese tour groups crowded around the statues - can finally have a place in your scrapbook.

All you have to do is upload your pics to futureLAB's Snapmania site, and they'll do the fixing for free...


There is a catch.

The catch is that you need to have taken several (4-5) photos of the same scene from a tripod. It takes multiple input sources in order to make a clean finished image. Upload 5 shots of a tourist-infested monument, and then you get a nice usable version.

You probably won't be using Tourist Remover for photos you've previously taken. But if you're planning another trip soon, and you expect to be in some high-traffic photo-ops, then plan ahead!

Bring your tripod along, or stick your camera on a steady mount somewhere, and snap away. Take multiples on your digital camera, knowing that you can get your lovely tourist-free photo made once you've come home from holiday.

Check out the demo page and see for yourself.


At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was very confused. Just glancing at the pictures, I thought the car was the tourist remover. You know, maybe a panel busts out and totally takes out a tourist or group of tourists. Then it says some smarmy comment in the voice of William Daniels. Now that's a tourist remover!

At 8:53 AM, Blogger cechols said...

You know, that would easily be the most awesome consumer product ever invented.


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