Thursday, August 10, 2006

Art: DSG

I've been a member of a website called for several years. It's one of the most incredible resources imaginable for an artist - a place to post your work and have it critiqued by others.

When I say others I mean everyone. From the unskilled newb to the respected professional, everyone has the opportunity to provide input on your work.

The beauty of this sort of site (it's hardly the only one), is that you are able to see the work of thousands of others all in one place. Much of the work is done by professional illustrators and concept artists - game designers, art directors, Hollywood concept painters, the lot.

I haven't contributed to the site in a very, very long time - I just haven't been able to find the time. But I dug up these sketches from a few years ago, and thought I'd plaster them here.

These four selections are from the Daily Sketch Group series. Each day ConceptArt posts a new "theme," and members contribute a quick sketch of something representative of that theme.

You will see each theme embedded in the images.

The idea is that you shouldn't spend more than a few minutes on each piece, so none of these are very polished.

Anyhow, I hope you've enjoyed this installment in the Echols Recycles Old Illustrations series. Don't forget to click the thumbnails to enlarge.

*PS: If you have any interest whatsoever, my user name on is "leviathan"


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