Saturday, July 08, 2006

Game: Just Sudoku

Thanks to Casey, I've become a big fan of Sudoku. It seems intimidating, but is actually quite simple. Once you figure out the pattern-recognition, you can absolutely solve every puzzle.

I've heard people say (and I thought the same myself), "It's a number puzzle. You have to use math, and I suck at math. I hate math plus I don't like Japan equals Sudoku is for nerds."

Ha ha! Sudoku is for nerds. But it is also for everyone else, including you. I promise it's better than a crossword, and it has even unseated my longtime personal favorite: the cryptoquote/celebrity cypher.

If you haven't played before, the rules of the puzzle are thus:

Each row and column must contain all digits 1 through 9.

Each 3x3 box must contain all 9 digits.

That's it.

If you're confused as to how to solve the puzzles, check here. I don't know if his is the most concise explanation of solving, but it will give you an idea. Really, once you've solved one, and get the pattern down, you'll be addicted like it's methamphetamine.

From: here


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