If you're like me, you delete forwards titled Funniest Pictures on the Web!!!!!1 right along with the ones titled Enlarge Your Goods!!!!1! Excitement is For Your Pleasure!!.
But Fark posted this site with the twenty funniest images on the net, so I clicked it. Turns out, they are pretty funny - and mostly pics I hadn't already seen literally everywhere.
The page is updated every so often, so you can check back for the new funniest images whenever you like.
With as little fanfare as possible, I present to you my new blog: ectotechnica.
It will contain the tech news and gaming stories that most of you never read. If you are one of the few who actually do read those stories, then I hope you find the new site to be a useful resource.
But I want to be clear that ectotechnica is for everyone - technical and non-technical alike. Even if you aren't interested in everything, I want you to be able to gather practical and helpful information from it.
I'll be posting useful software tools, time wasters, news, and plenty more. So if you're interested in keeping a watchful eye on the ever-changing digital landscape, then please visit often.
The site still has some kinks to work out, so I encourage you to leave comments or send an email with suggestions. Good or bad, I want to know what you think.