Thursday, September 07, 2006

Time Waster: What'ya Mean?

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to waste your time with the translation tool to end all translation tools.

What'ya Mean? uses Google's translation service to find the "true meaning" of any phrase you input. It does so by taking your English language text and translating it:

from English to French
from French to German
from German back to English

The results are pretty impressive. But I'm mostly impressed that a mechanical translation service ends up working exactly like the old-fashioned grapevine service.

Test it out and post any funny results you get.


At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ian wrote a script that does the very same thing for foriegn films. We love it.

My favorite so far has been the conversion of "fortune cookie" into "oppertunity biscuit"


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